Do You Even Need PT?

Is the problem bad enough that you should see a physical therapist?

I get asked this question all the time, and I usually have the same response. “I don’t know.”

This might come as a surprise, but it is the honest answer. The only person who can decide if a pain is bad enough, is the person experiencing that pain.

I often turn the question around and ask, “what areas of your life are limited because of your problem?”

Once they tell me, the next question is, “If that problem were to be improved or go away, what would your life look like?”

After we discuss this vision of a life no longer limited by pain, I have one more question. “If you could live the life in your vision, would that be worth going to see a PT?”

If you want your life to look more like your vision, we are here to help.


Don’t Be Like Me!


Are you strengthening your core the right way?